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News & publications - archived publications


Below are TWG staff publications. The articles and papers span the following topics: traffic safety, laboratory and field research, substance abuse treatment, public policy, and drug testing policy. To request a reprint of an article, please email:


past issue briefs


Traffic Safety

Jones, R.K., Shinar, D., and Walsh, J.M., State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving, DOT Report #809 642, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, September, 2003

Walsh, J.M. Drugs Other than Alcohol, in Alcohol and Other Drugs in Transportation: Research Needs and Priorities, Transportation Research Circular #502, pg. 24-28, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, January 2001.

Walsh, J.M. [Ed.] Illegal Drugs and Driving, International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, IBSN 90-802908-2-3, Netherlands, July 2000

Fix, L.J., Leaverton, P.E., Buchan, B.J., & Walsh, J.M. Prevalence of drug use in persons injured or killed in vehicular related accidents, in the Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, C. Mercier-Guyon [Ed.] Vol. 2, pp. 751-756, CERMT, entre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Medecine du Trafic, Annecy, France, 1997

Walsh, J.M. U.S. drug tests have reduced accidents, (ltr to the editor) New York Times, Feb. 5, 1995

Walsh, J.M. Issues in the Detection of Drugs other than Alcohol, in Issues and Methods in the Detection of Alcohol and other Drugs, Transportation Research Circular E-C020, sec. H 1-10, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Dec. 2000.

Walsh, J.M. Drunk and Drugged on the Road, (Ltr. To Editor) Washington Post, 30 Sept. 2000

Walsh, J.M., Buchan, B.J., and Leaverton, P.E., Detection of Illicit Drugs in Drivers, in Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, C. Mercier-Guyon [Ed.] Vol. 2, pp. 485-491, CERMT, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Medecine du Trafic, Annecy, France, 1997

Public Policy

Walsh, J.M., Danziger, G., Cangianelli, L., Koehler, D.B., Driving under the influence of drugs [DUID] legislation in the United States, Report to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation under Grant # 040023, November 2002

Drug Testing Policy

Ozminkowski, R.J., Mark, T.L., Goetzel, R.Z., Blank, D., Walsh, J.M., and Cangianelli, L. Relationships between urinalysis testing for substance use, medical expenditures, and the occurrence of injuries at a large manufacturing firm, American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Vol. 29, No.1, pp 151-167, 2003

Ozminkowski, R., Mark, T., Cangianelli, L., Walsh, J., Davidson, R., Blank, D., Flegel, R. and Goetzel, R., The Cost of On-Site versus Off-Site Workplace Urinalysis Testing of Illicit Drug Use, The Health Care Manager, 2001, 20(1), 59-69

Walsh, J.M. Is workplace drug -testing effective? HR NEWS, Society for Human Resource Management, vol. 15 (4), April 1996

Walsh, J.M. Is Workplace Drug Testing Effective? Let’s See the Data, (Guest Editorial) MRO Update, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Oct. 1995

Walsh, J.M. Drug use in industry and the workplace. In the Encyclopedia of drugs and alcohol, Jerome H. Jaffe (editor), pps. 583-589, New York, Macmillan, 1995

Walsh, J.M. U.S. Drug and Alcohol Testing Programmes for Transportation Systems, European Government Journal, Edenvale Pub. Ltd., Essex, UK, pgs. 171-174, vol 3(2), 1995.

Walsh, J.M. Drug Testing, Employee Assistance, Vol. 7, No. 10, pgs. 26-29, 1995.

Walsh, J.M. Science and Politics of Drug Testing in the USA, in Acta Medicinae Legalis 1994, P.Mangin, B. Ludes (Eds), Springer, Berlin, 1995, vol. XLIV, pp 519-521.

Walsh, J.M. Drugs in the workplace, Chemistry & Industry, vol. 15, August 1994, London, UK

Walsh, J.M., Employee Drug Testing: A standard business practice in the USA, European Government Journal, vol 2(3), 1994, Edenvale Pub. Ltd., Essex, UK

Walsh, J.M. Unreasonable in Hollywood, A Matter of Substance, SAPAA Worldwide, V. 1 (3), 2000

Walsh, J.M. Drug Testing, World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 5, Pg. 366, World Book Publishing, Chicago, Ill., 1999 [Also published in the World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia]

Walsh, J.M. The development and scope of regulated drug testing; in the Handbook on Drug Abuse, Steven B. Karch (Ed.), pgs. 729-736, CRC Press, New York, 1998

Laboratory and Field Research

Walsh, J.M., Flegel, R., Crouch, D.J., Cangianelli, L., and Baudys, J., An evaluation of rapid point-of-collection oral fluid drug testing devices, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, Vol. 27, Number 7, pages 429-439, October 2003.

Crouch, D.J., Hersch, R.K., Cook, R.F., Frank, J.F., and Walsh, J.M., A Field Evaluation of Five On-Site Drug-Testing Devices, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, ISSN 0146-4760, Volume 26, Number 7, October 2002, pp. 493-499

Walsh, J.M. On-site testing devices and driving-under-the-influence cases, in On-Site Drug Testing, Jenkins, A.J. and Goldberger, B.A. [Eds.], Humana Press, Tonawa, New Jersey, 2002

Buchan, B.J., Walsh, J.M., Leaverton, P.E., Evaluation of the accuracy of On-Site Multi-analyte drug testing devices in the determination of the prevalence of illicit drugs in drivers, Journal of Forensic Sciences, v.43(2), pp. 395-399, 1998

Buchan, B.J, Walsh, J.M., and Leaverton, P.E., Evaluation accuracy of on-site multi-analyte drug testing devices in the determination of the prevalence of illicit drug use in drivers, in Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, C. Mercier-Guyon [Ed.]Vol. 2, pp. 511-518, CERMT, Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches en Medecine du Trafic, Annecy, France, 1999

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