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The Walsh Group Awarded Impaired Driving Contract from NHTSA

Bethesda, MD. – The Walsh Group was awarded a new contract by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to research the numbers of drivers arrested, prosecuted, and convicted for driving under the influence of drugs throughout the United States.

The two-year contract is entitled “Status of Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID) Enforcement and Adjudication in the United States”, and will be the first research of its kind in the United States to attempt to gauge the breadth and scope of the drug-impaired driving problem nationwide.

The project will attempt to gain nationally representative data of the number of arrests, prosecutions, and convictions for DUID, in addition to comparing how various DUID-related initiatives may have impacted the problem in various states.

The Walsh Group is based in Bethesda, Maryland and maintains strategic partnerships with leading substance abuse experts throughout the United States and Europe. The Walsh Group conducts applied research to provide the scientific basis for policy change in the area of substance abuse. The Walsh Group is recognized as an international expert in drug testing policy matters, and has extensive experience in laboratory research, field research, training program technology development, and public policy.


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